Transformers are stationary electromechanical devices, the operation of which is based on the fact that any alternating electric field creates a magnetic field. This allows two circuits that are electrically isolated from each other to interact. The current in the first circuit creates a magnetic field around it, which, acting on the second circuit and transferring its energy to it, creates a current in it. This article will show you how to test a transformer. Visually Verify Transformer. Often the cause of the failure of the transformer is the overheating of its internal winding. If the transformer housing is swollen or shows burn marks, please do not check it further. Identify the winding of the transformer. It was expected to have easily readable labels. However, it is often helpful to have a circuit diagram containing your transformer to find out how it is related. The circuit diagram can be found on the product documentation or on the manufacturer's website. Which could be ide...
Hello Friends. In last post we shared a lot of mcq on high voltage
engg. Now we are going to share interview question on high voltage
engg. In this post, breakdown in gases, liquids and solids is mostly
discussed. Lets start and enjoy interview question of high voltage
Q.1 Mention the types of insulating materials which is used in high
voltage engineering?
Ans - Insulating materials are four types.
A. Solids
B. Liquids
C. Gases
D. Vacuun
Q.2 What are the salient properties of usual metals ?
Ans: These are:
A. Specific resistivity in ohm meter.
B. Temperature resistance coefficient.
C. Specific Gravity.
D. Tensile strength when used in overhead line.
Q.3 What are the usual materials for conductors used in high voltage
equipment and transmission lines?
Ans- Conductors are mostly fabricated from metals. Depending on the
equipment the following metals are found in high voltage work, gold,
silver, copper, aluminium, tin, lead, iron, nickel, chromium...